10 Paddling Routes in Manitoba to Get You Started

Posted: April 12, 2024 | Author: Keeley Braunstein-Black | Listen Now

Have you really experienced Manitoba if you haven't gone paddling? Home to over 100,000 lakes and waterways, Manitoba has paddling routes for every skill level, including beginners.

Two women in a green canoe on a lake with forest in the background

When the rocking of a boat on the water calls to you, head to one of these stunning paddling locations around Manitoba.

Meander the Seine River

If you want a popular paddling destination within the city of Winnipeg, visit the Seine River. Feel like you are in the wilderness as you paddle its meandering course through St. Vital and St. Boniface. The river is relatively narrow, and fallen trees can sometimes block it. However, many sections are great for a lazy Sunday paddle or an after-work paddle to clear your mind.

Outside city limits, the Seine River stretches from the Sandilands Provincial forest and passes by communities of Marchand, La Broquerie, Ste. Anne, and Lorette before reaching Winnipeg just north of The Forks.

Celebrate the paddle with suds at Kilter Brewing Company, which is located right near the banks of the Seine in St. Boniface.

Looking for help getting started? Start paddling today and check out the following links:

Equipment Rentals:
Wilderness Supply
Winnipeg Canoe Rentals
Type Eh Rentals
Caddy Lake Resort

Paddling Route Information:
Manitoba Parks Water Routes
Paddle Manitoba
Manitoba Canoeist Facebook Group
Manitoba Paddling Association

About The Author

Hi, I’m Keeley. I love dogs, tea, yoga, and taking photos. Every time you talk to me, I have a new hobby. You can find me haunting local music venues any night of the week, so long as there is a show. My favourite thing about Manitoba is the community.

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