Critical Conversations

Mar 13

  • Admission: FREE
  • Time: 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM

Join us for the Critical Conversations speaker series at WAG-Qaumajuq! This year, the series of three public events will focus on water and justice. See the details for the first event below:

March 13: “Indigenous Water, Indigenous Science”

Dr. Myrle Ballard (University of Calgary), Dr. Az Klymiuk (University of Manitoba) and Dr. Miguel Uyaguari-Diaz (University of Manitoba) will speak to the relationality of their work, the challenges and possibilities, and what keeps them going. Moderated by Dr. Ayush Kumar (University of Manitoba).

Just Waters: Thinking with Hydro-Social Relations for a More Just and Sustainable World, the Centre for Human Rights Research, and the University of Manitoba’s United Nations Academic Impact Hub for Sustainable Development Goal 6 Last Drop speaker series, are collaborating to host these events.