Snow Lake

Treaty 5

Snow Lake

The Snow Lake Sno-Drifters club operates and maintains the trails in the Snow Lake area, connecting to the trails maintained by the Thompson Trailbreakers.


Explore 220 kilometres of trails through Snow Lake's forests and lakes with club maps from the Snow Lake Sno-Drifters and the Thompson Trailbreakers. Take a break at numerous warm up shelters throughout the region as indicated by SnoMan's Northern trails map.

  • Connect to Sasaqiu Rapids (daytrip for a small group, overnight for a larger/slower group)
  • Ride trails over Squall, Cook, Snow, Chisel and Wekusko Lakes North
    • Most trails loop back to town for easy access to fuel and food
    • Take a trail west to Cranberry Portage
    • Most trails loop back to town for easy access to fuel and food
    • 3 warm up shelters for use


Pre-arranged snowmobile tours (including rentals) are available out of Sasagiu Rapids Lodge—contact directly to book.



  • Chells Sled Shed (service and repairs)
  • Sasagui Rapids Lodge (premium fuel)
  • Wabowden (regular fuel)
