
October 19, 2023 Canadian Museum for Human Rights Buhler Hall

Time Event
11:00 Registration and doors open
Event begins with salads, bread served at tables/td>
11:35 Show begins - Ace Burpee, emcee
Colin Ferguson (President & CEO, Travel Manitoba) and Ryan Kuffner (President & CEO, Economic Development Winnipeg)
Clifford Spence, Honour Song
HIs Worship, Mayor Scott Gillingham
Volunteer of the Year - Natalie Thiesen, VP of Tourism, Economic Development Winnipeg
Employee of the Year - Angela Cassie, Travel Manitoba
Sustainable Tourism - Darren Hughesman, Esdale Printing
12:25 Lunch Service
1:00 Business Excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Kyla Gibson, Direct Focus
Indigenous Tourism - Holly Courchene, Indigenous Tourism Manitoba
Marketing Campaign of the Year - Sade Ogungbemi, UpHouse Inc.
Event of the Year - Jon Schmiemann, Expedia Group
Small Business of the Year - Alison Kirkland, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce board/Small Business of the Year - Alison Kirkland, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce board/CEO, Women’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada
Large Business of the Year - Regan Dennehy, LoKnow
Award of Distinction - Mena Gainpaulsingh, Friends of CMHR
1:55 Final Remarks